I have had conversations recently about who & what Canny Digital wants to be… The answer is something that is difficult to articulate, mainly because we are still working it out! But let’s give it a go...
The core reasoning for creating Canny Digital is seeing a market opportunity, not an untapped market at all, but a saturated market where the service levels and partnership between agency and client can be improved (generally).
The Directors of Canny Digital had the privilege to work with many digital marketing agencies and their clients over the last 4+ years. This presented an opportunity to see how amazing campaigns work, from an agency and a client perspective. It is with this knowledge that we list the things that Canny Digital wants to be to their clients;
We want to be;
We need to answer the phone when you call, we need to be on time and on track for all meetings, we cannot and will not ‘go missing’
Up to date
The changes in digital marketing can be tracked by the minute, clients benefit by their agency being at the forefront of technology, we will be ahead of the curve
We will hold ourselves accountable, so our clients will not need to. We set up checks and balances to minimise risk and maximise opportunity. Our clients will be in the know, we do not hide
Long term relationships require Canny Digital to be here long term. Our clients benefit from Canny Digital’s success. We are committed to this success, we will stick around
If we can deliver on the above, we will be your trusted digital marketing partner. Trust is not something granted it is something earned, we will earn your trust
Remember that all of the above is our thoughts today on who we want to be. This is what drives Canny Digital from one day to the next. If you are interested in working with an agency that wants to be like this, please get in touch.